
The following companies of the RheinLand Versicherungsgruppe are service providers within the meaning of ยง 5 Para. 1 Telemedia Act for the internet presence at


RheinLand Holding AG
RheinLandplatz, 41460 Neuss, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)2131 290-0
Telefax: +49 (0)2131 290-13300
Chair of the Supervisory Board

Anton Werhahn

Members of the Executive Board

Christoph Buchbender, Udo Klanten, Dr. Lothar Horbach, Andreas Schwarz

Registered office of companies

Amtsgericht (Local Court of) Neuss
HRB RheinLand Holding AG 1113
VAT ID: DE 1206835733

Supervisory authority

German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Graurheindorfer Str. 108
53117 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)228 4108-0
Fax: +49 (0)228 4108-15500

Conciliation board

Conciliation board for all classes of insurance
Insurance Ombudsman Association (Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.)
Postfach 080632
10006 Berlin

RheinLand Versicherungs AG RheinLand Lebensversicherung AG
RheinLandplatz, 41460 Neuss, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)2131 290-0
Telefax: +49 (0)2131 290-13300
Chair of the Supervisory Board

RheinLand Versicherungs AG
Anton Werhahn
RheinLand Lebensversicherung AG
W. F. Thywissen

Members of the Executive Board

Christoph Buchbender, Dr. Lothar Horbach, Udo Klanten, Andreas Schwarz

Registered office of company

Amtsgericht (Local Court of) Neuss
HRB RheinLand Versicherungs AG 1477
HRB RheinLand Lebensversicherung AG 9279
VAT ID: DE 120683573 (Financial and insurance services within the meaning of German Value Added Tax Law (UStG))

Rhion Versicherung AG
RheinLandplatz, 41460 Neuss, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)2131 6099-0
Telefax: +49 (0)2131 6099-13300
Chair of the Supervisory Board

Wilhelm Ferdinand Thywissen

Members of the Executive Board

Christoph Buchbender, Dr. Lothar Horbach, Udo Klanten, Andreas Schwarz

Registered office of company

Amtsgericht (Local Court of) Neuss, HRB 13420
VAT ID: DE 120683573
Insurance tax no: 810/V900810021482

Credit Life AG
RheinLandplatz, 41460 Neuss, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)2131 2010-7000
Telefax: +49 (0)2131 2010-17039
E-Mail: service@creditlife.n
Chair of the Supervisory Board

Wilhelm Ferdinand Thywissen

Members of the Executive Board

Lutz Bittermann, Christoph Buchbender, Dr. Lothar Horbach, Udo Klanten, Andreas Schwarz

Registered office of company

Amtsgericht (Local Court of) Neuss, HRB 9766
VAT ID: DE 120683573